Happy almost Friday, dolls! So since I haven't updated in almost a week, you are probably assuming that I either have too much going on or that I have nothing going on and therefore, nothing to blog about.
If you guessed the latter, you would be correct! My creative brain power has seriously been lacking recently, and my life has been pretty boooooooring uneventful. And unless you want to hear me babble about things no one cares about talk about cleaning, doing laundry, or my work, I seriously have NOTHING else.
So, I saw this on a couple of blogs and thought it would be a good 'break' until my life returns to its awkward and ridiculous normal ways.
I Am- strong yet sensitive, fun yet complicated, silly yet smart. I am compassionate, hopeful, happy. I am blessed. I am a daughter, a granddaughter, sister, a wife, a friend, and a proud furbaby mama.
I Have- to remind myself to thank God for everything he has given me every single day I wake up. I have addictions to staying positive, laughter, being kind and always dreaming.
I Wish- winters wouldn't last so long, my family lived closer, ice cream had no calories and that I could run forever without breaking a sweat.
I Want- to be crazy in love (like I am right now) for the rest of my life. I can't get enough.
I Fear- not being able to find balance between a successfull career, a blissfully happy marriage and (one day) motherhood (all while trying to stay true to myself). I see women struggle with this every day.
I Hear- the sound of my alarm going off, whiny people, liars and boiled eggs.
I Search- for the goodness in everyone.
I Wonder- why I have no cooking abilities. what.so.ever.
I Regret- nothing. Everything DOES happen for a reason. And what didn't break, only made me stronger.
I Love- clear blue skies, good lip gloss, dancing, a genuine+heartfelt hug, a great kiss, unexpected cards in the mail, meeting new people, sleeping in, random acts of kindness and laughter (both the action of it and the sound of it) ... it's the BEST!
I Always- have an opinion. I'm slowly working on learning how to share it only when: 1) asked 2) absolutely necessary for 3) helpful 4) funny.
I Usually- don't mind driving (weird, I know). I love roadtrips, especially when good music or good company are involved. Long drives often serve as my method of relaxation.
I Am Not- able to be on time. EVER.
I Dance- at every opportunity. It's my emotional outlet.
I Sing- usually at the top of my lungs. And no I can't carry a tune to save my life. But that doesn't stop me from belting out a Mariah Carey song at a moment's notice. ;)
I Rarely- pass up an invitation to do ... just about anything!
I Never- can thank my parents, sister and family (in general) enough for the wonderful home they raised me in, the examples they have set for me, and the wonderful support system they provided and continue to provide me with. I am one lucky girl.
I Cry- unapologetically. I fit the age-old cliche ... I wear my heart on my sleeve. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I Am Not Always- a social butterfly. (Believe it or not.) There are times when I like/prefer to be alone. It's usually when I need to think and clear my head.
I Need- to go catch up on my news celebrity gossip and read Washington Post Perez before I return to work!