Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Confessional

I confess:
  • I can’t wait for SUMMER. Putting my coats and sweaters into storage (aka plastic boxes in the bottom of my closet) excites me more than anything. Being able to go to a park and have wine on a nice sunny Saturday afternoon. Longer hours, more daylight and hot hot weather. And with that, come my favorite things: flip flops and a martini. suntan and a bikini. *heaven* cant.come.soon.enough.

    Which brings me to my second confession….

  • I haven’t been to the gym or done the 30 day shred in over 2 weeks. I really need to go.

  • I have the couch potato disease. Some people worry about swine flu, I worry about developing extra eyes and a big butt! Laziness has infiltrated my life today. I have been worked to the bone this week and I’m so worn out. I am so loopy during the day– high off of an abnormal amount of caffeine and weary from looking at a computer screen for hours on end. I actually love my job and enjoy going into work, but I am approaching one of those times when I am just looking forward to vacation!

    So, today I am home from work and there are so many things I could be doing like cleaning the house, cleaning out my closet, making dinner, running to the post office and the list goes on. But instead, I am going to do more important things like play on google earth, catch up on my View, update blog, and online shop. I’m starting to believe that this couch has a magnet because I can’t get my butt up and right now, I am okay with that :)

Happy Friday and first day of May to everyone! I really hope that all those April showers bring me May flowers and sunshine. I am ready for it :o)


  1. I confess most of these, shhh haha xxooo

  2. haha, my problem is i sit on the couch with a glass of wine and NEVER get up haha.

    have a great weekend!

  3. Haha I have the exact same confessions.. particularly about the Shred DVD.. The only workout I get from that lately is brushing away the nice collection of dust it gathers :) Have a good weekend!

  4. I'm right there with ya... I'm sure my 3 hour commute one way does not help things.... but I can't complain about the life nor the job I have so I wont :) before we know it things will change and we will wonder why it can't go back to the way we liked it before :)

  5. I am with you...I can't wait for summer also! But the couch keeps calling my name!

  6. Living in Houston, I find it odd that people have seasonal wardrobes. : )

  7. I might as well be sitting right next to you on the couch! I am "suffering" from the same thing! haha! I am dying for summer to be here. I want to go swimming SO BAD!!

    ps - my last post was inspired by you.

  8. You always need those days when you do absolutely nothing! :)

  9. I have couch potato disease too!!!!

  10. I so feel you on not wanting to do anything lately...I need to get back on top of things!!


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