Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm Awwwwesome and so are You!

The always fabulous Tara from Jimmy Choos and Tennis Shoes and the fantastic quite contrary tagged me with this Awe-Summm award! How thoughtful! I feel so very honored :) If you're not a loyal reader/follower of theirs, you are missing out and should check out both of their adorable blogs. You will love them.

So, my Queen duties include:

1. List 7 things that make me Awe-Summm
2. Pass the award onto 7 bloggers that I love
3. Tag those bloggers to let them know they are now Queens too (and link back to the Queen who tagged you)

Seven Things That Make Me Awe-summ: (In random order

1. I like talking. A lot! I love long phone calls. Especially that warm feeling after the call ends.
2. I love going out, but sweatpants and nights at home also make me very happy.
3. I love traveling. No itinerary, no schedule, just a destination. That’s my kind of trip.
4. I am absolutely positively obsessed with headbands
5. I am the clumsiest human being on this planet.
6. In the summertime, I have a glass of wine on the patio with my husband each day before dinner.
7. Monday is my favorite weekday solely because of the TV lineup. I secretly want to be Lauren Conrad’s best friend!

Added Bonus: I love the exclamation mark. I think it’s the coolest punctuation ever! I can’t finish an SMS or a blog post or even sign a greeting card without using at least 3 exclamation marks!!!

Here's to the 7 Queens I'm passing this itty bitty award on to.. You gals are Awe-summ!


  1. I love that you are obsessed with cute!
    I ALSO LOVE the exclamation point! It is the best punctuation ever ; ) !!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. you are too cute! I am obsessed w/exclamation points too!!! Three is just the perfect amount to end any sentence :-)

  3. Oh my.... this is my 4th tag for this award!! thanks love :) but you are truly awe-summmm xxoo

  4. Thanks chicky!

    WEIRD. I was just thinking the same thing like an hour ago...

    "Added Bonus: I love the exclamation mark. I think it’s the coolest punctuation ever! I can’t finish an SMS or a blog post or even sign a greeting card without using at least 3 exclamation marks!!!"

  5. #6 - That's my kind of summer activity!!

    and #2 - I looooove a cozy night in while wering my pj's :)

  6. Great tags!! I love ALL of these blogs! :)


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