The girls will shop...

While the boys will eat...

That's all for now.. Happy (almost) Friday!! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! :)

I swear to you. This is true.
So far this month we have celebrate my Grandma's birthday, hubs Grandma's birthday, hubs Grandpa's birthday, hubs Dad's birthday, my best friend's birthday and my parent's anniversary.
And it's only August 18th. Meaning that in the next two weeks, we still have my other best friend's birthday, hubs birthday, hubs brother's birthday, and our dating anniversary.
Phew. I rest my case.
So, while I have been in a food coma from shoving cake and cupcakes in my mouth on a daily basis, I have completely neglected to blog. And, unfortunately for you guys, in my world food will always win.
But I DO promise to be back to my normal self soon. And I have a lot of updates for you guys! Thanks for baring with me. I love you all!
Edited to Add: I am a Sagittarius and obvi judging from this post, I think that I get along best with Leos and Virgos. Do any of my fellow Sags out there feel this way? Or vice versa? I am interested to hear what you guys think!