This is our second married Christmas we've spent together and our fifth as a couple! And even though we've logged many holidays together, we are still working on nailing down actual traditions as a couple. After all, our parents and grandparents live pretty close, making things a little more hectic since we always try to see everybody. With that said, I never feel like I get to see enough of everyone. Or everything. I love being home. But such is life, I guess. Le sigh.
We headed up to hubs' Dad's house after work on Christmas Eve, which ended up being mid-afternoon since we both were able to leave work early. (major woooot!) Hubs family prepares a Christmas Eve fondue dinner ever year, which is a tradition that we love! After shoveling large amounts of food into our bellies, we opened gifts.


Aunt Kimmy & her fave nephew :)

With my bro and sissy in-law :)

Oh, boys and their toys.

I have to say, that as spoiled as hubs and I are with Christmas gifts, Charlie hands down got the most gifts this year. The furbaby opened gifts 3 different places. (I am scared, really scared, for our future offspring.)
Christmas morning we opened gifts at my parents' house. And did you know santa still comes to visit when you're in your twenties?! It's pretty fabulous.
My mama and her third baby.

She loved her "im not bossy i just have better ideas" mug! :)

My adorable little sissy. I love her to pieces!

Coach queen!

Hahaha. My husband doesn't hold back.

Mama and her surprise mixer.

Love at first sight :)

My awesome gift!

My fabulous red satin shoes!

My mom went all out as usual. She fed us enough food to last us all winter and I could feasibly hibernate until March without consuming another morsel. But that is what moms do, right? They feed you until you have to moan and groan and roll yourself downstairs, then they do it all over again the next day.
So after we emerged from our food comas, and said goodbye to my parents, we headed to my mama-in-laws house to do it all over again!

My wonderful in laws!

family portrait including the baby.

Exhausted from all the visits!

There are those moments that make me so happy I feel like my heart could burst, and that's spending time with our loved ones over the holidays. As hectic as things sometimes get, we always try to remind ourselves how lucky we are to be surrounded by so many loving and supportive people. One of the things I love most about being newly married is discovering each other's holiday traditions and figuring out what our own holiday traditions will be. And with both our families having plenty of deep-seated traditions that they (and we) cherish, i cannot wait until we begin to establish our own.
So overall, we had some wonderful Christmases! And hubs and I are both off from work all this week! So needless to say we are still in our PJs, relaxing, drinking our coffee and watching endless marathons of Law & Order!