Friday, May 27, 2011

Take back the GPS

Because our little one has a good sense of direction! She is head down after all and in perfect position... I am so relieved, to say the least! I know that labor is essentially only a means to a beautiful end, and we would've of course done what's best for her. But as crazy as this may sound, I am actually looking forward to labor and a part of me felt like I would be missing out if we would've had to have a scheduled c-section. So yay for a head down bebe! And the ultrasound tech also had a little surprise for us... this little lady has hair!! We were able to see some fuzz on the screen, and yes, I currently may or may not have 12 hair clips in my Etsy cart.

  • The ultrasound tech did also mention that they are currently estimating her at around 7 lbs 2 oz, which she said was perfect! But we think that there's a strong possibility that she'll be a little rolly polly based on the pictures. I just want to pinch and kiss those chubby, chubby cheeks and rolly arms!

  • We also had our weekly doctor's appointment this week to check my progress, and we finally have something to report! My cervix is starting to thin and the doctor thinks that she is slooooooowly but surely starting to drop! I still have yet to experience a single contraction so keep sending me that labor dust, ladies! But thankfully I am not to the "miserable, ready to have this baby any day now" stage yet. I am actually pretty proud of myself for still waking up every morning and having energy to curl my hair and do my makeup. I may be large and in charge, but this mama ain't no slob ;)

And this week officially marked 38 weeks, which means that we have less than TWO MORE WEEKS to go! I never thought the day would come when we would be only 2 weeks away from meeting our little miracle... It seems like it was just yesterday when we found out we were going to be parents that sunny September afternoon. And then, here we are today. Surreal is the only word I can think of right now to describe this feeling.

And here is my 38 week bump photo! I am wondering how many more of these I will take :)



  1. You look so gorgeous! And what a perfect room :) Good luck!!

  2. you look great! hopefully she will be here soon!

  3. You are so adorable! I love her room, it's so pretty!

  4. You look great! I can't wait to see her!

  5. Aww how great! The little gal's nursery looks beautiful!

  6. You look beautiful! And your little girls room is just perfect!

  7. Oh my goodness, you are precious! What a pretty mom-to-be! I'm right there with you sister, 38 weeks and counting and girl as well! I've really enjoyed reading your updates and sending lots of happy labor thoughts your way! :)

  8. You look adorable! And the nursery is precious!


  9. So exciting! I love that they can see hair on the ultrasounds!
    Things are starting to happen here too.. well I'd want to think so, seeing as bub is 3 days overdue! Come on little baby, come on out!

  10. You look fabulous as always and her room looks super cute!

  11. EEk not much longer lil mama!!! Good luck in the weeks to come!

  12. You look amazing!!! So jealous...I wish I had looked that great pregnant!

  13. all I can say is WOW! You look fabulous and so happy. Can't wait to see pics of your sweet angel

  14. you look so good!!! she'll be here before you know it Mama!!

  15. Congratulations. I bet you are getting exciting. Your blog is one of the reasons that I created my own. Please visit it if you have time!

    Good Luck with your new baby girl!


  16. I love your nursery! Where is the dresser from?


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