And this week officially marked 38 weeks, which means that we have less than TWO MORE WEEKS to go! I never thought the day would come when we would be only 2 weeks away from meeting our little miracle... It seems like it was just yesterday when we found out we were going to be parents that sunny September afternoon. And then, here we are today. Surreal is the only word I can think of right now to describe this feeling.
And here is my 38 week bump photo! I am wondering how many more of these I will take :)First thank you all for the supporting words about my last semi manic post. It does help knowing I am not the only lunatic out there :) And for those of you that said nesting would follow, I can't even begin to tell you how right you all are!
So, nesting. Cleaning. Organizing. List Making. Whatever you want to call it… it's entered my life in full force and it's showing no signs of slowing down.
Case in point- yesterday I took a little trip to a store that I love more than anything... Target.
And I passed up this
Who AM I?
I’ve done so much sweeping and dusting and scrubbing in our house these last few days that I would honestly have no problem licking pretty much any given surface in my home. I really hope this nesting bug wears off... or else I may be renting out my cleaning services so stay tuned!
I am feeling completely overwhelmed.
With only 5 weeks left (yes, you read that right ohmygod holycrap 5 WEEKS) until our tiny, cute new little roommate arrives, I feel like I have NOTHING done. Every single second my brain (pregnancy brain too, may I add) is going crazy… like a swirling, raging tornado with things that I know we still need to do like, right now.
Finish thank you notes, wash and fold all baby clothes, finish nursery, find crib skirt, put away this mount Everest of baby gifts that’s currently occupying our dining room, write out a transition maternity plan for that little thing that is my JOB, pack the hospital bag, FIND A PEDIATRICIAN, clean our living area so that the protective services don’t immediately confiscate our child and I am sure a thousand and four more things that I am currently forgetting.
Yes, realistically, I know if our baby girl were to make her appearance tomorrow (don’t get any ideas in there!), we’d be perfectly fine with what we have. But as prepared and organized as I have felt this entire pregnancy, I feel like I am slowly starting to lose it. Sigh. Oh, and the fact that I woke up this morning to a quick realization that today is MAY FIRST, did not help AT ALL.
Tell me I am not alone?!
I can’t believe that I'll be 30 weeks this week and that in just over two months we will finally meet this little person. I really can’t wait. :)
So, here is a little pregnancy survey I took from another blogger {waves hi Mrs. Dew!} and I also added in a couple other things I though you all might find interesting.
How far along? 28 weeks - hello 7th month!
Size of baby: this lil' miss now weighs in at about two and a half pounds and stands (or rather lies) at almost 16 inches.
Maternity clothes? I am pretty much still only wearing maternity pants. All of my tops and dresses are still juniors! Maternity clothes still just seem so giant to me.
Stretch marks? none yet...and boy am i trying everything to "prevent" them! ::knocking on every piece of wood i can find::
Sleep? Yes, please. All day, every day. I am sleeping 9-10 hours every night. Sleep is my friend.
Food cravings: Oh lord, yes! Fruit, fruit, fruit and more fruit. More specifically pinapples from Costa Rica, Oranges from South Texas and Fuji Apples. I know, I feel like I have turned into a produce expert overnight. Long gone are the days where we can buy whatever fruit is on sale. Ha. And if we do, I will literally throw a fit and have a meltdown take one bite, cringe and have to throw it out. I am still not sure how a child that CRAVES fruits of all kinds can be the product of me & hubs!
Food Aversions: Nothing so far. But my hunger levels are in a category all on their own these days. I think I go from completely full to starving in a matter of minutes. And then watch out. I literally feel like I’m 2 seconds away from gnawing my arm off like a rabid raccoon.
Gender: Team pink!
Movement? YES! A one-person dance-off is happening in my belly as we speak. Flips, tumbles, kicks, you name it, she's doing it!
Best moment this week? Hearing her heartbeat. It never, ever gets old. Passing my glucose test! Getting my girl scout cookies! (no one said all the answers had to be pregnancy related). Also, I just love sitting in bed at night with hubs, watching the belly move.
And, on a more shallow note, an overall best moment this entire pregnancy would have to be that I have not had one bad hair day this while time. Pregnancy hormones seriously equal winning!
Looking forward to? My baby showers that are quickly approaching. And also seeing my little mini-me at our 4D ultrasound! And of course finally meeting her in about 12-ish weeks!!
What I miss: Doing things on my own — like moving things, being able to lift anything, getting something off the top shelf…I’m getting too awkward to fit into small spaces and/or to stand on a chair, so I always need help.
Milestones? Baby girl's eyes are now opening and closing! If I lift up my shirt and stand near a bright light she will now kick and move!
I think that's all for now. I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this fantstic weather! I miss you all.
In three short months, we’ll meet face to face. But you’ve already brought so much love and happiness to so many. I can only imagine the hearts you’ll touch and the lives you’ll change, including mine and daddy’s, when you step onto the planet.
I can’t wait to kiss you and tell you each and every day that I love you and I am thankful for you.
I promise to always love you unconditionally, just as you are, no matter what. I will always do my best to be the best mama that I can be so that you may thrive and flourish to become the best that you can be. I won't always be perfect or right, but I promise you that I will always do my very best that I can. Always.
Thank you for the giving me the privilege and choosing me to be your Mommy. Thank you for giving me the gift of knowing a mother’s love for her child even without meeting her.
You are so so wonderful to me. And every day as you grow, so does my love for you.
I love you, baby girl.
Oh gosh, I don't even know where to begin. It feels so good to finally be able to talk about our tiny little bundle of love that is on the way. It's all we think, talk and dream about over here! And thank you so much for all the love and the congratulations messages below! It really means a lot reading through your emails and comments! We have literally been on cloud nine since finding out, so we held off as long as we could to share the news because we wanted to experience it just us for a little while. This has been the most amazing time of our lives. I have never known that such happiness could ever exist.
I am a little over half way through my pregnancy, 24 weeks, and am due in early June. And so far, our baby is looking healthy and right on track! We can't wait to meet our little miracle. We've been waiting (sometimes patiently, sometimes not so much) for this baby for a long time. June can't come fast enough!