Ah, almost Friday already. There ARE miracles.
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Well we have been back from Disney for three full days now, and I already miss it! It was one ahhhhhhhhhhhhmazing trip, and we loved every single minute of it. The best part about Disney World is that once you are there, it is impossible to not become absolutely enthralled with the magical quality that emanates from this romantic place. Our plan on this vacation was to relax, worship the sun, eat a lot, and spend quality time with the husband. And I can honestly say mission accomplished on all accounts! We really had the time of our lives :))) Take a look at these photos.
Sorry for the overload. Seriously. We take this Disney World biznass serious.
(But who can blame me? I mean last time I was in Disney World, I was going though my really, really, really fugly phase around age 11 + I am pretty sure I would be a-okay if I never saw those pics ever again!)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
{ if I could live anywhere in the world, it would be here. *hands down* i already have my prince charming, now I just need a castle! shouldn't be too hard, right :) }

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{we also squeezed in some much needed pool time!}

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{this put put course was amazing! it's called Pirates Cove. If you are in the Orlando area, you have to check it out!}

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{We also saw our very first
nascar race at the
Daytona! We are not really huge
nascar fans, but this was definitely a very cool experience. }

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{Shopping in Disney is the best! All of my
disney kitchen utensils. Hopefully this will inspire me to cook more. But if not, at least I will look cute in the kitchen :) }
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{We also spent a day at Universal! }
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{Our last day there, we went to Disney
Celebrations! This cute little
neighborhood is located on land that was purchased by Walt
Disney. The houses here are perfect and
neighborhood is simply adorable. It reminded me of Wisteria Lane from
Desparate Housewives. }

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{And then it was time to go home on our new ride ;) }

Yupp, now you can see why I am SO depressed to be home.
*sigh*I want to go back right now.