Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I am married to a hobo.
You see, my
He will literally wear the same things for ever and ever and ever, amen.
Don't believe me? Take a look. The

Honestly I just don't get it. Do you see me wearing that fugly white & pink dress I wore in 2005? HECK no. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand the versatility of a blue polo. But for crying out loud??? Enough is enough. Because that blue polo neeeeeeeeds to retire.like.now.
Well, lucky for hubs, I like to shop. I do it often and I do it well. I’m also the person everyone consults when they need help picking out outfits. So, this weekend I am going on a decade overdue shopping spree for him.
And this post has made me wonder if it would be better or worse to have a husband who liked to shop. Do any of you girlfriends and wives have this issue with your men? Do men who LIKE to shop for clothes REALLY exist??

Sunday, September 27, 2009
I've finally found a love of a lifetime.
(yes, you all are probably nodding your pretty faces saying yes, we already know this. But I am not talking about my wonderful hubs here. I'm talking about something
Yesterday, ladies
You see, I've been increasingly obsessed and coveting a new Coach for weeks now, so you can imagine my excitement when I noticed THE Coach bag for fall/winter (chosen upon the merits of my Coach devotion and knowledge). A black on black, mid-size hobo beauty. This bag is a mixture of classic and detail, just what I love. It looks great on me (if I must say so myself) and it's just about the perfect compromise of sizes.
And this bag looks so much better once owned. It slouches so beautifully, and now those store pictures can't compare to the beauty that is my real-true-my bag.
I’ve also noticed that I can look like a total slob and yet when I am carrying this purse suddenly it’s okay. I can go to the mall straight from the gym without hitting the shower; I still have class…see the purse.
But this bag looks so much better once owned. It slouches so beautifully, and now those store pictures can't compare to the beauty that is my real-true-my bag.
The fact that I have devoted a whole post to this bag speaks volumes (possibly about my mental health more than anything else) about how in love I am with this purse. But seriously, isn’t it just beautiful?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
What happened to all of my pictures? Does anyone know why they all now say bandwith exceeded?
Single tear :'-(
Ugh. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Edited to Add- I think the bandwith will be reset on October 6th. Ugh. So I guess my pictures will come back then.
Monday, September 21, 2009
There is no life without love. Not one worth having anyway :)
First of all, I want to thank all of you for your wishes and sweet congrats! You all are so thoughtful and it warms my heart :)
Hubs and I had a GREAT weekend full of anniversary bliss! I cannot even begin to describe how nice it was to have an entire weekend dedicated to us. I think probably for the first time ever we turned off our cell phones for the whole weekend, and it was so refreshing and relaxing!
We kicked off the weekend on Saturday by opening gifts at home. And since the traditional first year gifts are supposed to be ‘paper’ we both took this theme and got a little creative.
Hubs, in fact, got very creative. He had our favorite wedding picture blown up on a canvas and oil painted. I was so impressed; I immediately became very emotional and started crying. My husband knows how much I love pictures, and this gift is perfect. Thank you babe for putting so much thought and effort into this- It means the world to me.
For my gift, I designed and gave Matt a book that chronologically details our first year of marriage. I included all of our favorite pictures from this past year. I really like how it turned out! And he definitely loved it. He even mentioned it being a great thing that we could pass down to our kids and grandkids.
And since I am a silly girl, I also wanted to give him a silly little gift! So, I made hubs a ‘Husband of the Year’ award. And let me tell you, he got such a kick after opening this gift. I think he laughed hysterically for about 10 minutes.
After exchanging gifts, we headed to Ocean Club for dinner. We had a blast just chatting and reminiscing about the past year. Not to mention that this restaurant has the best crab cakes in town. Yumm!
Sunday morning we woke up pretty early and headed to the winery! I was so excited to go; I got ready in record time. It’s never too early to drink wine.
The winery we went to is just gorgeous. We sampled around 25 wines, and bought a full case had a great time wine-ing down:)
And after all this celebrating, there was just one event left to make our anniversary complete… year-old cake eating! We ate the top layer of our wedding cake that we had kept frozen, and surprisingly at actually tasted, dare I say, pretty good (and I am still alive today to prove it.)
So I have to say, it was a wonderful weekend and a really fun first anniversary. The perfect way to kick off our second (wow) year of marriage!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Happy One Year to Us!
September 20, 2008 was the greatest time of our lives and it is a day that we will always remember and hold dear and close to our hearts. And I wanted to share with you all my very favorite part of our entire day that I will remember forever.
My favorite memory is when I started walking down the aisle and I locked eyes with my husband to be for the very first time. It was a very surreal feeling I cannot put into words. And from that point on, I didn't see anything else. I didn't see any of the guests or the wedding party. It was all a blur. But one thing that I do remember is not being able to stop smiling. (I smiled so much that much cheeks literally hurt the next day.)
I’ll never forget standing there at the altar with my husband and feeling the impact of the words we said. We gazed intently into each other’s eyes, soaking up every word. And then came the best part. *We were pronounced man and wife.
In that moment everything else faded and it was just him and I lost in the moment. It was our day. It was perfect.
And this past year has truly been a whirlwind of many new beginnings for us. I cannot wait many, many more years to come. One year down, forever to go...
So I leave you with a slideshow of our special day :)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Exciting weekend.
I’m still amazed that I found someone so completely perfect for me, that I turned out to be perfect for him, AND that every day I wake up next to him is better than the last. This past year has been so much fun and I can't wait for 89 more!
We are incredibly lucky. I am incredibly lucky.
I cannot wait to celebrate this special day with the love of my life. We are going to a very delish restaurant The Ocean Club Saturday night for dinner, and then we will head to a local high-end bar to grab some drinks and hear 'the piano man' Matt Munhall play! The cool thing is that he also played at our wedding, so I am beyond thrilled about this. We just love him. And this place makes without a doubt the best cosmo! It is out of this world delicious! So I will be sure to have a few of those!
On Sunday, the day of our actual anniversary, we are heading to a winery! And if you are wine-o like me, you know this is music to my ears. My idea of a fun Sunday afternoon! We will take a private tour of the vineyards followed by a lot of wine
And if that wasn't enough, I have two-out-of-this-world cute dresses to wear for both nights that I just bought last night! I swear to you, they are both adorable times a thousand.
I will do a 'happy anniversary to my hubs' post tomorrow and include some wedding pictures for you all yo see!
Ahh, this has been such a great week! Can't wait for the weekend!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
People of Walmart
Happy hump day, lovelies!
Have you been to People of Walmart website yet?
Because it's amazing. Go look now.
People send in photos of other customers at Wal-Mart that would rival some of the fashions at State Fairs, prisons, and backwoods hideouts.
Here are some recently featured outrageously crazy, creepy and bad (in a human train wreck kind of way) Walmart shoppers.

(only in you know where.)

(Jurassic Park)

(Protecting our country one Walmart at a time.)

(The super mullet! )

(Hey at least it's half covered.)

(Oh yes, this is real)

(What are the chances of finding shorts to match that shirt? What are the chances of finding a girl to talk to a guy who found shorts to match that shirt?)

(Where else can you can shop for milk at 10 a.m. next to a woman wearing this?)

(Where do you think he bought this shirt?)
And last but not least, when all else fails, you can always have a Walmart Wedding?

And don't forget your camera next time you visit a Walmart near you!
Monday, September 14, 2009
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Happy Monday!!!
In fact, I am so dead serious I am going to do it again. L-O-V-I-N-G!
And you know what else I am L-O-V-I-N-G? These adorable fall clothes I keep seeing everywhere!
So this weekend while the rest of the population sat in crowded bars cheering, singing and yelling at the T.V., I opted for a shopping trip with my Mama to a few nearly empty stores.
Love the attitude of this bag. Pretty and stylish with the bold hardware that gives it a little edge. Plus, the divided interior and organizing pockets will be working to keep my stuff in order.
Friday, September 11, 2009
To the most special lady.
I'm straying from my regularly scheduled post today to give a big shout-out to the world's most wonderful person - my mom. :-)
Tomorrow is her birthday and there are no words that I can use to express my deep thanks and appreciation for all she's done for me.
My mom has always been the type to nurture and support her family, friends and even strangers. She is one remarkable woman. She is my rock, my inspiration, my best friend, and my mirror for all things good in the world and all that I aspire to be. I hope that when I am her age that I am as beautiful as she is, and as accomplished as she has been. I am truly blessed to be her daughter.
Mommy, thank you for not killing me putting up with me for all these years. God knows, I am the perfect child it couldn't have been easy.;-)
I love you with all my heart!
♥♥♥ Happy Birthday. ♥♥♥
p.s. I know my Mama reads my blog, so leave a comment and help me wish her a very happy 37th ;-)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Best Labor Day Ever.
Hi ladies--
We had a tres fab weekend and contrary to the name we did no laboring! : )
But between going to the OSU game, the Greek Festival, and nights out on the town, we still managed to stay pretty busy, in typical Newlyweds fashion! (speaking of fashion, hope you all packed those white shoes away!)
Hubs and I with our friends at the Ohio State season kickoff

{walking to the Stadium. I *love* OSUs campus!)

{i love this picture!}
We also managed to find some time to go to the annual Greek Fest and stuff our faces with gyro, baklava and some mataxa sours! We had a blast. Not to mention that the festival is held at the church where hubs and I were married :)


{love greek dancing!}