Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Momentous Occasion

You might want to sit down and grab a beverage. This post might take a little bit.

You see every year, I do an annual spring cleaning of my closet. Meaning out with winter stuff, in with summer clothes. Well, last night as I was putting away my winter clothes, I discovered items upon items, with tags on them, still in their original bags, stashed in a corner of my closet that hasn’t been cleaned out since oh about 1985. [slight exaggeration].

I am talking so much stuff, that I could fully clothe the entire city of Columbus homeless population. I took pictures of my closet to demonstrate to you but just how bad this is, but after careful consideration, I have decided that I am too embarrassed to actually post them.

So, to make things even worse, as I was unpacking all of my summer stuff, still more NEW I didn’t know I had clothes with tags.

Have I proven my point? I need a shopping mandate because this has to stop! So, back to my momentous occasion biznass. I am officially not shopping until April 10th. (cue fanfare).

I’m not going to lie - for me, this is going to quite a challenge. Between my time spent online and the fact that I work across the street from the mall, I am pretty much surrounded by purchasing opportunities AT ALL TIMES.

I should also mention that I am afflicted with Retail Power Consumerism.
Some of my symptoms include:

1) Knowing more about my UPS driver than my extended family.
2) Possessing a vast knowledge of a retail store’s inventory - more than the actual sales associates themselves.
3) Refreshing my internet browser 156 times before the day of a big online sale.
4) Purging my closet at least 2-3 times per year and still not wearing 65% of my belongings.

So, the question remains. Will I be able to do it?


  1. haha you make me feel better...I occassionally find an item or two with tags months later, and it makes me feel so guilty! Heck, I feel guilty during my annual closet purge when I give (on average) a dozen grocery bags full to Goodwill. I have to do it though...if I haven't worn it in a year or two (some items like fancy dresses excepted of course) I won't wear it again, and I need room for my new stuff!

  2. LOL I think it's just a girl's thing! I always find clothes with the tags on them in my closet when I clean it out. We take them to Goodwill but I have to take the tags off before my mom sees them! =]

  3. good luck!! if you don't need some things, my closet has room! lol...i just wish i could shop that much. my hubs would probably kill me though!!

  4. I do a swap.... Just pay shipping.

    Maybe you could look into that

  5. Good luck!! I have a serious shopping problem as well .. it was one of my New Years' resolutions to STOP SHOPPING!!!

  6. Good luck with that, I've have tried that so many times, and it hasn't worked yet :(

    I left you something on my blog!

  7. I feel your pain. I have a walk in closet... Getting ready to get married and now I have to share my closet called a diaster!!! Thing is I can't seem to part with all my stuff!!! Also my good friend Monica we talked last night her whole room is the closet! she has put a mandate on her cards to try not to use them so you are not alone!! You know sometimes when we see sale it just makes us happy! :)

  8. I think my first one got wiped so here it is I feel your pain, I'm getting ready to get married and I have a full walk in closet and another closet not including the one in the basement and i am having the I'm having to share now issue ugh.. Us as women can't turn the sales down. I would shwo you a pic of my closet but it's scary!! just scary!! also my good friend monica her room is her closet! :) So don't feel bad hun! :)


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