I love my husband. But the dude has a few issues. Seriously. :)
Hubs and I don't argue about much, but for the life of us, we can't decide who drives when we go on trips. Seriously. Ridiculous? Yes. And yet, always entertaining.
So here is how it normally goes:
I like to drive. When I am not actually driving, I like to
Because of this, most trips with Hubs start out with me pouting about the fact that he never lets me drive. He will even admit that he doesn't like to drive very much, but that my driving scares him.
I'm not sure why. I am an excellent driver. I've never had
The point is, I'm a backseat driver. I'll admit it. I am firmly convinced that I am saving us every time with my shrieking, pedestrian-watching, and eye-covering. Hubs actually thinks that my hysterics will distract him to the point where it will cause an accident, but I don't think so.
I'm helping.
On any long car trip, the only way to assure that one of us will not be tossed out the window into oncoming traffic is if Hubs is driving, and I am drugged. Not kidding. And if we are on a car ride and I am not asleep, the conversation usually goes something like this:
*** *** *** ***
ME: Keep your eyes on the road!
HUBS: I am! Stop yelling.
ME: No you're not. If you were, you would have started slowing down earlier.
HUBS: Leave me alone!
ME: That guy is merging! Do you see it? DO YOU SEE IT??!
HUBS: Yes, I see it. *fiddles with the radio*
ME: (screeching) WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
HUBS: (turns to look at me) What?
HUBS: (forced to step firmly on the brakes as the car in front of us slows down, causing me to grab the door handle and duck for cover)
*** *** ***
So today should be fun. We are driving 2.5 hours to go home and see our parents. I hope that we both make it there and neither one becomes roadkill :)
And regardless of his
Hope everyone has a terrific weekend! We are off to spend some quality time with our families! Then Saturday, we have tickets to the Indians/Yankees game! I can't wait. Hope the weather stays this gorgeousssss....
Adios, lovelies!